Heat Insulation systems
The following can be answered briefly to the question of what is thermal insulation: Thermal insulation is the set of measures taken to reduce heat transfer in the exterior walls, glass and joinery, roofs, floors and installations of buildings. When it comes to thermal insulation, the first thing that comes to mind is to preserve the heat we need to warm up in the winter, but thanks to the thermal insulation, you also keep the cool air necessary for cooling in the summer. Thermal insulation is the whole of the processes carried out to prevent hot or cold air from entering or leaving the houses through thermal bridges. In buildings with thermal insulation, the energy you spend to warm up in winter and cool down in summer is reduced. In this way, you will have a more comfortable and heat efficient living environment. With thermal insulation, measures are taken to reduce heat transfer in the exterior walls, glass and joinery, roofs, floors and installations of the buildings.